About Murrieta

Murrieta Demographics, Quality of Life, and Market Profiles.

These links contain information regarding various aspects of Murrieta, California. Most of the pages were created from studies that were done by John Husing Ph.D for the City of Murrieta. The focus is on Murrieta demographics and economic development. These links represent a division of larger documents that can be found on the City of Murrieta's website under "Economic Development". The purpose for their creation is to give you some "digestible" Murrieta content without having to download extraneous graphs, charts and graphics.

Murrieta Streets - A Simple List of Murrieta Streets and Map Link

Murrieta Demographics

Juan Murrieta - A Historical Document

Murrieta Quality of Life Introduction

Murrieta and The Inland Empire

Murrieta Parks and Recreation

Murrieta Public Safety

Murrieta Office Space

Murrieta Employment

Murrieta Residential

Murrieta Education

Murrieta Industry

Murrieta Retail Statistics

Murrieta on Wikipedia